People with institution matching "Katholieke Universiteit Leuven": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Thomas J Bogdan (Info) Astrophysics tomjbogdan 2021‑02‑03
Frans Armand Cerulus (Info) KU Leuven, Universität Basel Theoretical physics jandh 2016‑09‑25
Romain Coussement (Info) KU Leuven Karenin 2018‑11‑30
Romein Coussenent (Info) KU Leuven Karenin 2018‑11‑30
Nico F. Declercq (Info) Georgia Tech Acoustics, Physics, Mechanical Engineering pq 2016‑06‑10
Frederik Denef (Info) Columbia david 2016‑01‑10
Piet van Duppen (Info) Karenin 2018‑11‑29
Serge Franchoo (Info) KU Leuven Karenin 2018‑11‑29
Sanjiv Sam Gambhir (Info) Stanford molecular imaging jandh 2014‑10‑01
Francis Halzen (Info) UW Madison Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics pq 2016‑02‑29
Ive Hermans (Info) UW Madison Chemical Engineering uneuen 2012‑08‑06
Mark Heuse (Info) KU Leuven Karenin 2018‑11‑30
Mark Huyse (Info) Karenin 2018‑11‑29
Frank Jäckel (Info) University of Liverpool hybrid nanomaterials rabe 2014‑12‑28
Pierre Jacobs (Info) KU Leuven uneuen 2012‑08‑09
Els Janssen (Info) Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium NFD1975 2021‑04‑14
Jan J. Koenderink (Info) Utrecht, KU Leuven Physics of man wimvandegrind 2005‑09‑24
Oswald Jozef Leroy (Info) Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium NFD1975 2021‑04‑14
Jozef Peeters (Info) KU Leuven uneuen 2012‑08‑06
Ivan G. Scheblykin (Info) Lund University connectingresearchers 2021‑09‑09
Jonathan Z. Simon (Info) University of Maryland MEG, auditory system, computational neuroscience david 2005‑01‑17
Andre Stesmans (Info) KU Leuven jhf 2015‑08‑02
Enrique Tirapegui (Info) Universidad de Chile, KU Leuven Nonlinear Physics; Stochastic processes ulisespereira 2019‑06‑05
Walter Troost (Info) Institute for theoretical physics, KU Leuven tass 2016‑04‑21
Johan Witters (Info) KU Leuven jhf 2015‑08‑02
Yue Wu (Info) UNC Chapel Hill solid state NMR, metallic glass, interfacial water Xiangzi 2014‑12‑12
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